Yep, that’s right!
I decided to change my Thailand vacation plans to stay-cation plans.
I haven’t ironed out all the details yet, but I’m going. I may end up in China, but I’m going. I may even end up in Vietnam, just as long as I end up somewhere.
This is something I’ve been considering since reading The 4-Hour Work Week in 2012, and seriously wrestling with since June of 2014, when an ex-workmate decided to take the leap and teach in Thailand. I remember us chatting for hours about how awesome it would be to travel, sharing stories from personal experience and reports from friends. Knowing that “one-day” we would do the same, and this dude was doing it before me! I was happy as a clam for him. A clam covered in sweet green jelly. Good for him! Now, why the heck was I dragging my feet? Why have I not been prepping myself for the “one-day”?
When am I moving to Thailand?
So I kicked it into gear and planned a vacation with my travel bestie to do some on-site recon and make the decision to leave thereafter. I made some investments to cover the cost of my vacation which was scheduled for this October but it had to be canceled because it clashed with the exam timetables. First hiccup. My bond applications fell through). Second hiccup. Then I got retrenched. Jackpot!
Now unemployed and freelancing from home I realised that this would be the perfect time to move to Thailand. If I can work from home then I can work from anywhere, so why not? Wait… that’s a lie! I knew I wanted to leave and had slowly been building up to it. Being retrenched was a blessing in disguise. Had I not been let go I would’ve spent my savings and dragged my feet until some other responsibility *coughs*(excuse) crept up.
How will you make a living?
Freelancing baby! Technology is an amazing thing. It’s much easier to live a location independent lifestyle these days. All you really need is a Smartphone, data connection, and a digital nomadic perspective.
But… but…why?
I’ve spent the past 10 years running the rat race, working my butt off, praying for the weekend or my next vacation. Dreaming of exotic locations and exploring new cultures to keep me sane. Spending many lunch and tea breaks, calculating how many more Nando’s meals I have to swop for peanut butter and jam sandwiches until I reach my savings goal for the next vacation. Many Casio calculators have sacrificed the paint on their buttons for the struggle. I have been frustrated, bugged out and depressed. I’m not ready for another round.
Enter The 4-Hour Work Week lifestyle. Yes, I blame it all on Tim Ferriss! His seductive tropical cover and promise of getting paid to have fun… Seriously? Why not?
How can you just leave? Aren’t you afraid?
I am human, I have my doubts and am terrified of being so far from my family and my home. I am even more terrified that I may end up chained to a desk until I’m old and weary and won’t ever get this opportunity again. I am however not going to let fear hold me back, I’ve travelled on my own before, been scared, lonely, met some amazing people, made friends, got lost and I survived.
What now?
Now that I’ve notified just about everyone, there really is no way that I can back out now. Time to sell, donate and toss my worldly possessions, book the flight, and get my documentation in order.
No longer bound by contracts, no longer bound to a desk and just enough cash to cover the basics and a killer skillset. Activate survival mode level 9000!
UPDATE: After a few glitches I ended up in Phnom Penh, Cambodia and spent a week in Bangkok, Thailand.
1st week of April ☺
Calvin Carrick, you know I totally wrote about you in this post right?